
太多的問號      心中在呢喃  

Too many question marks in the hearts of twitter 


在懂與不懂    在介於和等於之間

Know and understand the range and mean in between


太多的迷惑    心中的呢喃

Too many confuse heart twitter

在你我之間   在世界的角落

Between you and me in the corner of the world

心中有太多的呢喃     有著同與不同的感受

There are too many hearts whisper has the same feeling with different


找尋問題藏身之所   追尋滿意的答案

Search to find the problem by hiding a satisfactory answer

推動問和迷前往   瞭解問號   同與不同  

 Q and fans to promote the understanding of a question mark the same and different

理解迷惑的    介於和等於

Confusion between understanding and equal


你是否懂了我的問號    你的明白是否也是我的明白

Do you understand my question mark is whether you understand that I understand

是否明白了你的迷藍波ONE   我的迷是否也是你的迷

I understand that your fans      My fan is also a fan of your


探索你我不同的世界   世界的容許境界

You and me to explore a different world 

Allow the state of the world


發現  相同與不同  介於和等於   聚焦的認同是否一樣 

Find similarities and differences between the recognition and equal

focus on whether the same

心中的呢喃    有什麼不同    心中不停的呢喃

What is the difference in mind whisper whisper of hearts stop

聲聲重疊合音的呢喃     心中呢喃    一樣  不一樣在呢喃

Overlapping chorus sound of the whispers not the same as

in the hearts of twitter twitter


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